Alternate Risk Treatment
Alternate Risk Treatment
Insurance is only one commercial risk treatment
Other options exist but considering which option may be best, requires understanding the risks to be treated and the alternate cost.
It also requires the knowledge to understand some risk basics. Risks come about because of exposures For example, a house built in a 1:100 flood zone has an exposure to flood damage. The exposure is the 1:100 zone. That exposure could have arisen from inaccurate zoning, changes in water courses or dam levels. The actual risk created is the risk flood damage. when you understand what are the exposures (circumstances which may lead to risks) you will be much more adept and then identifying the risk to which the business is exposed.
The basic steps to identifying alternate risk treatment which may be suitable begin with are
- What can go wrong
- What are the exposures that lead to these risks
- How can it go wrong
- What are the triggers that may cause the risk to activate
- If the risk materialises, what will be the likely impact
- What will potential frequency or number of times it could happen
- What will the maximum possible loss or or loss limit that the business is exposed to
- What options or combinations available to mitigate (lessen) the impact of these risks
- What is the cost benefit analysis of each treatment
- What is order should these risks be treated in
Once these basic are identified then the process and systems can be put in place to document and manage this professional time sensitive manner
We can lead you through the basic and then create a tailored solution to fit you risk needs. This can also be arranged with or without insurance being part of the risk treatment.
There are so many options available however selecting the right one for you can only begin once the basics are identified as above.